Δείτε μόλις 30 δευτερόλεπτα από το κάθε βίντεο.
Greek Easter
creator: mrpanosblog
creator: mrpanosblog
creator’s comment:
Greek peypool like to eat Lam becoz christ has risen he truly has risen
Greek peypool like to eat Lam becoz christ has risen he truly has risen
creator: paparokas2
creator: paparokas2
creator’s comment:
anastasis 2010 Tarpon Springs Greek Easter
creator: greekvoice1
creator: greekvoice1
creator’s comment:
Anastasis Christos Anesti Ανάστασης από τον καθεδρικό ναό του Αγίου Νικολάου στο Tarpon Springs FL. By Angelo Angelatos April 5th 2010 με τον Δεσπότη Λουλια
Anastasis Christos Anesti Ανάστασης από τον καθεδρικό ναό του Αγίου Νικολάου στο Tarpon Springs FL. By Angelo Angelatos April 5th 2010 με τον Δεσπότη Λουλια
Orthodox Music, Divna Ljubojevic - ♫ Hristos Anesti ♫
creator: dencic
creator: dencic
creator’s comment:
Christos Anesti
Khristos anesti ek nekron,
Thanato thanaton patisas,
Kai tis en tis mnimasi
Zo-in kharisamenos!
Orthodox music: Hristos Anesti - Divna Ljubojevic
Do you believe that Hagia Sophia should be reverted to its original status as a Christian church? Your vote is precious.
A minimum of 1.000.000 signatures are needed in order to persuade the European Union to consider this proposal seriously.
Thank you!
Christos Anesti
Khristos anesti ek nekron,
Thanato thanaton patisas,
Kai tis en tis mnimasi
Zo-in kharisamenos!
Orthodox music: Hristos Anesti - Divna Ljubojevic
Do you believe that Hagia Sophia should be reverted to its original status as a Christian church? Your vote is precious.
A minimum of 1.000.000 signatures are needed in order to persuade the European Union to consider this proposal seriously.
Thank you!
Χριστός ανέστη; Easter at Jerusalem
creator: kanibal0311
creator: kanibal0311
Αν δεν παίζει αυτό το βίντεο, πατήστε ΕΔΩ
creator’s comment:
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, Israel.
G R E E K :
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν, θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας, καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι, ζωὴν χαρισάμενος!
A R A B I C :
المسيح قام من بين الأموات و وطئ الموت بالموت و وهب الحياة للذين في القبور
R U S S I A N :
Хрїстосъ воскресе изъ мертвыхъ, Смертїю смерть поправъ, И сѹщымъ во гробѣхъ животъ даровавъ!
E N G L I S H :
Christ is risen from the dead, Trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs Bestowing life!
Χριστός ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!
Christus resurrexit! Resurrexit vere!
Христос воскрес! Воистину воскрес
!المسيح قام! حقا قام
Tá Críost éirithe! Go deimhin, tá sé éirithe.
Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado.
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen.
Kristus är uppstånden! Ja, Han är verkligen uppstånden
!המשיח קם! באמת קם
Քրիստոս յարեաւ ի մեռելոց՜ Օրհնեալ է յայտնութիւնն Քրիստոսի
Εκκλησιαστικοί Βυζαντινοί Ύμνοι Μεγάλης Εβδομάδος
Byzantine Hymns performed by
Fairuz: Chistos Anesti
Gaitanos: Chistos Anesti
Sergei Tolstokulakov: Khristos Voskrese, performed by the Novokuznetsk Seminary Choir
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, Israel.
G R E E K :
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν, θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας, καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι, ζωὴν χαρισάμενος!
A R A B I C :
المسيح قام من بين الأموات و وطئ الموت بالموت و وهب الحياة للذين في القبور
R U S S I A N :
Хрїстосъ воскресе изъ мертвыхъ, Смертїю смерть поправъ, И сѹщымъ во гробѣхъ животъ даровавъ!
E N G L I S H :
Christ is risen from the dead, Trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs Bestowing life!
Χριστός ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!
Christus resurrexit! Resurrexit vere!
Христос воскрес! Воистину воскрес
!المسيح قام! حقا قام
Tá Críost éirithe! Go deimhin, tá sé éirithe.
Cristo ha resucitado! ¡En verdad ha resucitado.
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen.
Kristus är uppstånden! Ja, Han är verkligen uppstånden
!המשיח קם! באמת קם
Քրիստոս յարեաւ ի մեռելոց՜ Օրհնեալ է յայտնութիւնն Քրիստոսի
Εκκλησιαστικοί Βυζαντινοί Ύμνοι Μεγάλης Εβδομάδος
Byzantine Hymns performed by
Fairuz: Chistos Anesti
Gaitanos: Chistos Anesti
Sergei Tolstokulakov: Khristos Voskrese, performed by the Novokuznetsk Seminary Choir
creator: moysys
creator: moysys
creator’s comment:
creator: 8mo8di8or8
creator: 8mo8di8or8
creator’s comment:
Christos Santakai( treble Greek) - Christos Anesti
creator: treblechoir99
creator: treblechoir99
creator’s comment:
Ancient hymn of the church, Christos Anesti (Christ is Risen), sung around the world on Pascha (Easter).
Christos anest ek nekron
thanato thanaton patisas
ke tis en tis mnimasi zoin
hari samenos.
Christ is risen from the dead
trampling down death by death
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.
Ancient hymn of the church, Christos Anesti (Christ is Risen), sung around the world on Pascha (Easter).
Christos anest ek nekron
thanato thanaton patisas
ke tis en tis mnimasi zoin
hari samenos.
Christ is risen from the dead
trampling down death by death
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.
Christos Anesti - Irene Papas & Vangelis
creator: babylonianman
creator: babylonianman
creator’s comment:
The music piece "Christos Anesti (Resurrection)" performed by Vangelis and sung by actress Irene Papas. Released as part of the 1986 Vangelis CD "Rapsodies". Music & lyrics based on the greek-orthodox easter hymn "Christos Anesti" ("Christ is risen").
Christos anesti ek nekron, thanato thanato patisas,
ke tis en tis mnimasi zoin harisamenos.
English translation:
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and granting life to those in the tombs.
The music piece "Christos Anesti (Resurrection)" performed by Vangelis and sung by actress Irene Papas. Released as part of the 1986 Vangelis CD "Rapsodies". Music & lyrics based on the greek-orthodox easter hymn "Christos Anesti" ("Christ is risen").
Christos anesti ek nekron, thanato thanato patisas,
ke tis en tis mnimasi zoin harisamenos.
English translation:
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and granting life to those in the tombs.
Byzantine music The Christ is risen
creator: costis74
creator: costis74
creator’s comment:
The choir of the holy monastery of Vatopaidi mount Athos Greece singing the byzantine hymn of the holy easter
The Christ is risen from the dead.
The icon of Christ in the video is one of the oldest of the orthodox church 6th century AD,and it depicts Christ Pantokrator.
His left eye is the eye of judgemend that brings fear to the angels,and reminds of the judgement day,that is to come,while his right eye is the eye of mercy and his love for man.
The icon is in the monastery of Sinai.The icon was a gift to the monastery from Emperor Justinian.
The choir of the holy monastery of Vatopaidi mount Athos Greece singing the byzantine hymn of the holy easter
The Christ is risen from the dead.
The icon of Christ in the video is one of the oldest of the orthodox church 6th century AD,and it depicts Christ Pantokrator.
His left eye is the eye of judgemend that brings fear to the angels,and reminds of the judgement day,that is to come,while his right eye is the eye of mercy and his love for man.
The icon is in the monastery of Sinai.The icon was a gift to the monastery from Emperor Justinian.
Σας άρεσαν;
Δεν τελείωσε. Η παραπάνω σειρά βίντεο έχει ακόμη μια "μαγική" ιδιότητα.
Τώρα κάντε το εξής. Αρχίζοντας από το 7, γυρίστε τα στην αρχή τους και βάλτε να παίζουν ανα δύο εντελώς ταυτόχρονα.
Δλδ το 7 με το 8, μετά,
το 8 (από την αρχή του πάλι) μαζί με το 9, κλπ,
τέλος το υπέροχο 10 με το "ανόητο" 1.
▼ 9 σχόλια στο 10 φορές το Χριστός Ανέστ
Καταπληκτική δουλειά!
Χριστός Ανέστη στα παιδιά του μπλόγκ!
Άναυδε καταπληκτικό. Με έκανες να δακρύσω.
Χριστός Ανέστη σε όλους!
Αληθώς Ανέστη!!
Σας ευχαριστούμε όλους!
Ε ρε Άναυδε κέντησες πάλι, θα μας κάνεις να αγαπήσουμε τα "κυρελέησον".
gamatos sindiasmos file.xristos anesti.
Αληθώς Ανέστη!
Πάντα υγεία και οτι επιθημείτε!
Σ'ευχαριστούμε πολύ!!!
#6 Ανώνυμος
Τις επόμενες ημέρες, κάποια μέρα, θα βγάλω μια σπουδή επάνω σε ένα συγκεκριμένο στίχο Βυζαντινής μουσικής. Το μόνο που θέλω να πω, και να δείξω, με όλα αυτά, είναι το απίστευτο εύρος και τον πλούτο του Ελληνισμού αλλά και το εγκατεστημένο βάθος σε όλα αυτά.
Τα οποία δεν μπορούμε να τα δούμε πανοραμικά όλα μαζί, και, δεν γνωρίζουμε ούτε εμείς οι ίδιοι οτι τα έχουμε ως φορείς, ακόμη και όταν είμαστε αρνητές τους, ή ακόμη και "αμόρφωτοι". Απλά υπάρχουν, εκεί.
Δημοσίευση σχολίου